Acupuncture Needles

SEIRIN Corporation produce world's most popular acupuncture needles with company's philosophy to help create a more abundant, healthier world through the medical equipment industry. The company's mission is to provide the best technology of the highest quality to satisfy the needs of the medical community, to produce safe, reliable and trustworthy products for the global marketplace and to cultivate a company of responsible, professional staff members that enjoy their work.

QMG Industries is the authorized distributor for SEIRIN Acupuncture Needles in Malaysia, we are proud to bring this high quality acupuncture needles to our medical community.

'' SEIRIN Acupuncture Needles - The Professionals Choice ''

Setting the standard for sterility, quality, and usability since 1978

J-Type (Plastic Handle with Guide Tube)

Seirin Pyonex Press Needles

Seirin Elipeas Cosmetic Acupuncture Needles

G-Type (Long Needle with Guide Tube)

L-Type (Metal Handle with Guide Tube)

J ProPak10 (10 Needles with 1 Guide Tube in 1 Blister Pack)

J15 Cosmetic Acupuncture (Facial Treatment)

B-Type (Plastic Handle without Guide Tube)

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